Reunion Party 2024 on Sunday, July 21st, 2024, from 12:30 to 15:00 @ 学士会館
2024年7月21日(日)12:30〜15:00 ,リユニオンパーティを東京・千代田区の学士会館で行いました.
On Sunday, July 21st, 2024, from 12:30 to 15:00, we had a reunion party in person at Gakushi Kaikan in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

The article below is the party announcement and an application form.
申し込みはここをクリック Click here for application and payment
You can find a language selector (Japanese to English) at the bottom of the page.
Reunion party 2023 photo
It will soon be one year since the reunion party was held on Saturday, July 1, 2023, in person for the first time in four years since 2019, and this year it will be held on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at Gakushi-Kaikan. The Gakushi-Kaikan has been used for various events and board meetings of the University of Illinois Japan Alumni Association, but is scheduled to be closed for about five years from January 2025 due to reconstruction. The building was built in 1928 and often appears on TV as a filming location for TV dramas, but this year's reunion party will be the last time many of you will be able to use the building. This year's Reunion Party will be a great opportunity to network with University of Illinois alumni, current students, and others in the pre-rebuild 学士会館.
Last year's event in Ichigaya was attended by many students from Japan who are enrolled in online programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana, such as iMBA and iMCS, and it was a great opportunity to get a closer look at the new initiatives at the University of Illinois. Although the event was held in Tokyo, many people from far away attended, perhaps because it was a rare opportunity to meet UIUC classmates for the first time. This year's reunion party will be held in Tokyo again, so it will mainly be attended by people living in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
We have lengthened the overall time this year because we regretted that we did not have enough time for networking last year. In addition, in order to facilitate networking even among first-timers, this year we will again ask participants to give short talks in relay format (30 second introductions of their recent activities), so that you can meet with a variety of people, including those who were studying or working as researchers at the same time, those in the same department, and those of the same age group. We would like to have a chance to talk with a wide variety of people. During the free time afterwards, we hope that you will find old friends and new acquaintances, such as scholarship recipients, classmates, people from the same department, with the same interests, and from the same hometown. We will not have the traditional bingo game, but we will give away some Illinois goodies if we can.
Please make your application at this Peatix site shown below along with payment of the participation fee. Payment can be made by credit card, convenience store payment, or bank transfer.
申し込みはここをクリック Click here for application and payment
Japan Illini Club Reunion Party 2024
- 日 時:2024年7月21日(日) 12:30-15:00 (日本時間) ※受付開始:12:00, 完全散開:15:30 - 場所:学士会館 (東京都千代田区神田錦町3丁目28) - アクセス:都営三田線/都営新宿線/東京メトロ半蔵門線,「神保町」駅下車A9出口から徒歩1分,東京メトロ東西線「竹橋」駅下車3a出口から徒歩5分,JR中央線/総武線「御茶ノ水」駅下車御茶ノ水橋口から徒歩15分 - 参加費: 事前払いのみ:クレジットカード,コンビニ,銀行振り込み - 一般: 13,000円 - 大学学部生・大学院修士学生: 8,000円 - Date :July. 21st (Sun), 12:30-15:00 JST (registration starts at 12:00) - Venue: Gakushi-kaikan (学士会館),Chiyodaku-kanda, Nishikicho-3-28, Tokyo - Admission: applications are accepted with the advance payment - 13,000 yen (regular) - 8,000 yen (Grad and Undergrad students
※理事の方は11:30に集合 12:00- 受付開始 (申し込み時のPeatixの画面,印刷物または口頭で氏名をお伝えください) 12:30- 開会挨拶 (古市 会長) 12:35- イリノイ大学日本同窓会2023年度年次総会(司会:古市,各担当理事) 12:55- 堂山名誉会長を偲ぶ(小峰前会長) 13:00- 香西選手による近況紹介(香西選手紹介,香西選手によるトーク) 13:10- 乾杯音頭の後,参加者リレートーク 順番:理事→奨学生OB/OG→会員(学部/地域等の順) 13:50- フリーネットワーキング(懇談) 適時合図によりローテーション 14:40- 集合写真(全員→奨学生→現役→学部別→年代別→その他) 14:55- 閉会挨拶(矢部 副会長) 15:00- 閉会, ※片付け開始 15:30- 完全散開 Program *The program is subject to change before the day of the event. Board members will gather at 11:30 12:00- Registration (Please provide your name on the Peatix screen when registering, in printed form or verbally) 12:30- Opening Remarks (Chairman Furuichi) 12:35- Annual General Meeting 2023 of the University of Illinois Japan Alumni Association (Moderator: Furuichi, Directors in charge) 12:55- In memory of Honorary President Doyama (Past President Komine) 13:00- Introduction of Kosai's recent activities (Introduction by Kosai, Talk by Kosai) 13:10- Toast, followed by relay talks by participants in the following order: Board members → scholar alumni → members (in the order of faculty/region, etc.) 13:50- Free networking (socializing) Rotation by timely signal 14:40- Group photo (All members → Scholars → Current scholars → Faculty → Age group → Others) 14:55- Closing remarks (Vice President Yabe) 15:00- Closing, *Cleanup begins 15:30- Complete dispersal
* The Japan Alumni Association of the University of Illinois (JIC) is funded by annual membership dues from its members. JIC did not collect membership dues in fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022 during the period of the Corona Disaster, but has resumed collecting membership dues in fiscal year 2023. The annual membership fee will be collected at a later date in addition to the fee for this reunion party.

Reunion Party 2023

Reunion Party 2023